Essay on A Letter From a Birmingham Jail. Words3 Pages. A Letter From a Birmingham Jail In Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," his thoughts and ideas are directly stated, well expressed, explained, and illustrated. King's style of writing gives the reader a clear glimpse into the world with which he struggled and allows his letter to be powerfully effective Jan 08, · Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay: The open letter, “The Letter From Birmingham Jail” is the writeup where the writer says that everyone is responsible for justice that is to prevail all over the nation. Mere laws and rules cannot confine justice. Humans themselves write laws and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Sep 29, · September 29, by Essay Writer. ‘The letter from Birmingham Jail’ was written by king junior during his incarceration in the jail of Birmingham. This showed that despite the fact that he was lonely in the prison, his resolve to fight for the freedom of the black people was still strong. He says that he was in Birmingham because there was blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Letter From Birmingham Jail - Essay Firm
Abstract This paper serves as a letter from Birmingham jail analysis essay. It first gives background information on the Birmingham Campaign and why King was there in the first place.
Then it proceeds to discuss the reason he wrote his letter, which was a public response to public criticism he received from eight white Southern preachers.
The analysis examines the letter itself and shows how King used various arguments and persuasive techniques to convince the reader that right was on his side. Introduction While Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK, Jr. Letter from birmingham jail essay, of course, had no intention of going quietly into the night and, in his letter from the jail cell where he had been placed for exercising civil disobedience in Birmingham on behalf of his brothers and sisters of the African-American community, he let his confreres know it in no uncertain terms.
King was in it to win it. King especially focused on the lessons of history and in particularly on the teachings of the Old and New Testaments to reinforce his point. To make his case for the use of Civil Disobedience —a concept promoted by Henry David Thoreau, the 19th American philosopher—King focused on dissecting the argument of his fellow clergyman; particularly, he focused on why they objected letter from birmingham jail essay the demonstrations but not to the issues that made the demonstrations necessary in the first place.
To prove just cause for the demonstrations, King showed how the African-Americans of Birmingham were suffering unjustly; how the negotiation process had broken down between the community and the authorities; and how there was really no choice but to follow the example of Thoreau.
King does not mention the name of Thoreau in his letter—but the concept is certainly there. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it is the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than the evil. He provides historical context of how great leaders of the past have always approached the subject of injustice: he touches on Socratesheroes of the Old Testament, Roman history, and American history. He explains that non-violent protest does not lead to violence but rather that racism and tyranny are what lead to violence.
In the end, he concludes that racism and tyranny are an assault on the Body of Christ—the Church of Christ—and that every Christian has a moral duty to stand up against a system that allows such an assault and has a moral duty to stand shoulder to shoulder with the community of Birmingham, as he has done. Background Birmingham had been one of the most segregated cities in the U. and for that reason it came to the attention of the Southern So I am here, along with several members of my staff, because we were invited here.
He likened himself to St. By putting himself on the same level as these Old and New Testament heroes of Christian culture, King firmly established himself as one of their righteous descendents, whose mission went beyond that mandated by his role as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
His mission, he implied, came from God Himself. Though they criticized him, he would not do the same in return but would give them the benefit of the doubt by assuming that their criticisms were made sincerely and out of genuine concern for their people. By acknowledging them as men of good will, moreover, King took the sting out of their attack and showed that he was in no wise swayed by their condemnations.
The only recourse of the unjustly served African-Americans letter from birmingham jail essay to take to the streets in protest, letter from birmingham jail essay. King methodically takes his reader through the steps in his thought processes: he shows that before he took any action whatsoever he first determined that there was just cause.
He then made certain that negotiations had failed and that the local merchants had failed to keep their end of the bargain that they had made with the community. Then King insists on purifying letter from birmingham jail essay process so that those involved are motivated out of a spirit of God rather than a spirit of hate.
Finally, letter from birmingham jail essay, demonstrations letter from birmingham jail essay ordered. Demonstrations were not emotional but rather logical and that was important for King to show.
He did not want to be represented as an agitator or an anarchist. King shows that the campaign in Birmingham was rational. He also shows it was religious in the sense that it aligned with all the campaigns for justice that one could find in the Old Testament, letter from birmingham jail essay, whenever the oppressed people of God needed a leader to save them.
King gave the letter a New Testament bump as well by reminding letter from birmingham jail essay readers that the African-American community in Birmingham was part…. Resources Branch, T. Parting the waters: America in the King Years, Garrow, D. Birmingham, Alabama, The black struggle for civil rights, letter from birmingham jail essay. King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail. pdf Thoreau, H. Civil disobedience. Abstract Writing a Letter from Birmingham Jail analysis essay offers the student the gift of going back in time to the courage and ferocity of the Civil Rights Movement to examine one of the most eloquent documents of that era.
The Civil Rights Era was one of the uglier periods in American history—and one of the most triumphant and inspiring. Well crafted sentence explaining how the two text evidences show your point of analysis: In his use of metaphors, King poetically dramatizes the length of time African-Americans have struggled for full civil equality, in response to the white ministers' demand that he be patient, moderate, and not 'push' Southern whites to change too quickly.
Third Point of Analysis: King, to address the specific allegations of the white ministers uses rhetorical questions. Martin Luther King Jr. MLK Letter From Birmingham A Rhetorical Appeal for Justice Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested in in Birmingham, Alabama as a direct consequence of his participation in demonstrations against segregation. It was during this time that King wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
In King's response to "A Call. He clarifies his status i. A spiritual leader and a learned person by using well chosen ethos of St. Aquinas, Jesus and Paul therefore puts him forth as a trustworthy person. Also being an African-American makes him the right person to participate in this event because he understands the situation properly.
By use of logos he explains the reason behind the actions of the black persons of which the. Furthermore the rhetoric here is rich in symbolism. King draws parallels between the response of violence to his peaceful protests and other great personalities whose commitment to justice, truth, and love also had unintended and unfortunate consequences. Personalities like Socrates and Jesus, for example, could not be expected to deny their truth for fear of public reaction, letter from birmingham jail essay.
King makes this argument even stronger by also drawing the parallel. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : Abstract This paper serves as a letter from Birmingham jail analysis essay. Read Full Essay. Letter from a Birmingham Jail Analysis Essay Words: Length: Pages Topic: Paper : Array.
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Jan 08, · Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay: The open letter, “The Letter From Birmingham Jail” is the writeup where the writer says that everyone is responsible for justice that is to prevail all over the nation. Mere laws and rules cannot confine justice. Humans themselves write laws and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins He is known for many speeches, but The Letter from a Birmingham Jail” written in was phenomenal in my opinion; this letter, written in response to “A Call for Unity,”(Carpenter et. el, ) an article written by eight, white, Alabama clergymen, was to serve as a response to those who believed that King acted inappropriately for coming to Birmingham, Alabama, as an outsider, for creating immense tension with Sep 08, · “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King, Jr. 1. What do you think is the best-written paragraph in King’s “Letter? Why? 2. Define “nonviolent direct action (para. 2). What are the four steps in a nonviolent campaign? 3. Do you agree that “law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice” (para. 24)? 4. What?
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